The event is coming up!

Check below to make sure you are ready

FTC ITALY Event Readiness Checkpoints

A team is “Event Ready” when the FIRST HQ and the FTC ITALY tasks listed below are completed. These tasks are required of all teams participating in an official ITALIAN FTC event.

Lead Coach/Mentor 1 & 2 tasks:

  • Team has both a Lead Coach/Mentor 1 and 2 listed on the Team Dashboard.
  • Both Lead Coach/Mentor 1 and 2 have electronically signed their FIRST HQ Consent/Release form (indicated on the individual’s FIRST Account).
  • Both Lead Coach/Mentor 1 and 2 have completed the FIRST Youth Protection background screening (indicated on the individual’s FIRST Account).
  • Officially register team members to your team.

Team Member Parent/Guardian tasks:

FIRST HQ requires all youth team members to be registered with the team. There are two paths to choose from to register a youth on a FIRST team.

  • Express Enrollment path:
    • FIRST lead coaches/mentors can generate web links or QR codes in the FIRST Dashboard to share with parents and guardians of their youth participants, granting access to the application.
    • Parents and guardians use the web link or QR code from the lead coach/mentor to register their youth to a team in a few simple steps. After applying to a team, coaches/mentors will need to accept the students through the FIRST Dashboard. Once the coach/mentor approves or declines the request to join a team, the parent/guardian is notified via email.



The Team Roster downloadable from the FIRST HQ Team Dashboard is used as part of the team “check-in” process for the event and is a required deliverable.

Before Monday of the week prior to the first day of the Event

  • Coach verifies that all team members appear on the Dashboard roster and have a “green light” indicating their FIRST HQ Consent/Release form (HQ C/R) has been electronically signed.
  • Coach follows up with families where a team member isn’t yet registered with the team and/or where the team member’s HQ C/R form has not been electronically signed.

Monday of the week prior to the first day of the Event

  • Coach prints Dashboard roster. It will be in pdf format.
    • How to Print a Dashboard Roster:
      • Log in to your Team Dashboard by signing into your FIRST Account at
      • Under Team Contacts/Roster, click “Print Roster.”
      • In order to access the Dashboard roster, both Lead Coach/Mentor 1 and 2 must have completed their FIRST Youth Protection background screening.
  • Exception handling:
    • For team members not attending the event:
      • Coach crosses off the team member on the Dashboard roster.
      • Coach scans or takes a picture of the adjusted Dashboard roster for emailing to the EC.
  • Coach emails Dashboard roster to the Event Coordinator [email protected]

At Event Check-in

  • Event check-in personnel will have printed copies of the submitted team rosters.
  • Event Check-in person pulls the team roster.
  • Coach verifies attendees and turns in the envelope of any signed paper HQ C/R forms.
    • Coach makes adjustments as needed to the roster i.e. team members unexpectedly not in attendance at the event.


Design, program, and compete with robots!

The First tech challenge teaches students to think like real engineers.
Teams, divided into alliances, will compete with robots designed,
built and programmed entirely by them.

join us

Stay up to date by following webinars

Here you will find all the webinar dates dedicated to discovering the competition, don’t miss them!

Recordings will also be present in case you miss any.


A training course

Our programs, through teamwork, aim to strengthen participants’ skills, creativity and self-esteem as well as guide the younger generation to more informed choices for their future.
One Sport

FIRST competitions are true team sports that require training, coordination and team spirit to achieve great results.

Suitable for every field of study starting from secondary school
Participants experience roles in a wide variety of fields, technical and non-technical.

Hours completed by students participating in competitions, including as mentors or volunteers, can be certified as PCTO.

Core values are the foundation on which all FIRST programs are based, developing team-building skills, collaboration and stmoling the creation of active communities on the ground.


FIRST Tech at a glance

The FIRST Tech challenges teams each year in designing in building and
programming robots will compete head-to-head on the competition field.


Each year the competition field and challenges are set to a different theme. In 2022 -2023, for example, the theme was, “PowerPlay: Sustainable Energy.

Having robots dive into the depths of the ocean to discover its wonders is this year’s Theme “INTO THE DEEP”


The race is based on a series of missions that the robot must complete in 2 1/2 minutes.
Teams compete in alliances that
change each round.

Race Course

The scope of the competition remains the same from year to year while the elements of the robotics challenge change.

The Robot Game 2024-2025
will be revealed on September 7!

O1. Designing and building
The construction of the robot is society to precise rules with respect to electronic and motion parts:
– Controller (REV Robotics): same for all teams.
– Batteries, motors and drivers are subject to limitations.
There are several kits that can be purchased for mechanical parts and structure, but the robot can be built with material of the teams’ choice as long as it meets the rules.

REV robots can be programmed with languages that vary in difficulty. From a simple block language similar to Scratch, to Javascript and or C++.

It is also possible to use and train artificial intelligence models to optimize autonomous phases.

An important part of the process is being able to tell and explain the choices that were made by the team during the preparation for the race.


Not only robotics

The challenge on the competition field is just the last step. The real
test lies in the course, where students with the help of
a coach will discover the value of commitment and
collaboration. Each team as a representative of the
FIRST values shall:

Outreach: each team must share its journey and acquired skills with the whole community so that it can become a value to all.

Website and social: knowing how to present oneself today has become crucial; each team will need to prove its communication skills: creating a website, devising the team's brand and documenting the journey.

Fundraising: as FIRST we are committed to seeking funding that can enable all teams to participate in the program. Equally each team is required to engage in fundraising for participation in the competition (purchasing materials, travel, gadgets).

FIRST Tech Challenge

Find out how to sign up!

Registration is now open for the new season of the FIRST Tech challenge ITALY